[pjsip] Unable to stablish call through SIPS with SRTP Enforced.
Gabriel Vasconcelos
2017-06-12 17:32:06 UTC
I compiled PJSUA2 with OpenSSL enabled and I've been trying to establish a
call between two secured peers through SIPS using the following
configuration command for each peer:

--registrar "sips:<SERVER_IP>"
--id "sips:<PEER_ID>@<SERVER_IP>"
--username "<PEER_ID>"
--realm "*"
--password <PASS>

But everytime I make a call, either to a remote peer or to the same
computer (connecting another id through a different port), the invitation
arrives and I'm able to accept the call, but then it ends instantly after
accepting by triggering the following error:

SRTP crypto-suite name not match the offerer tag

And then raising a 488 (NOT ACCPETPABLE HERE), only on the receiver. The
dialer doesn't raise any errors, but closes the call with reason 200.

What might be causing this behavior?
